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Mission, Vision, 

Purpose, Goals 

Our Mission

Our Mission

To work cooperatively with the school and parents for the benefit of our children. 

School Days
At School

Our Vision

To work together as a community to create a safe, healthy and fun learning environment for Ocean Cliff students.

Our Purpose

To act as the official collective voice of OC parents with the following purposes: 


To advise the school on parents’ feedback about programs, policies, plans and activities


To organize activities and events, and to help provide parent education


To encourage parent involvement in the school, and to support programs that promote parent involvement


To communicate with parents, and to promote support for the education of children at home


To assist parents in accessing the system and to advocate on behalf of parents and students


To provide financial support for the goals of the PAC, as determined by its membership


To advise and participate in the activities of the DPAC and the  (BCCPAC)

School Bus & Children
School Supply

Our Goals

We have three district goals:


1) To raise funds for the Ocean Cliff


2) To build a strong, engaged community


3) To facilitate effective communication between parents and the school

We Need Your Support to Provide for Ocean Cliff students

Ocean Cliff PAC

Parent advisory council working collaboratively with families and staff at Ocean Cliff Elementary School to create a great learning experience for its students.



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